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Announcements are updated daily by the Seymour Community School District.
Last Updated: February 20, 2025 · 10:59am

District Announcements



Scott Valentine, Superintendent · Shannon Starr, PK-12 Principal 

Phone: 641-898-2291 / Fax: 641-898-7500

Day 96

2/20/25 Announcements 


School Menu



2/24- French Toast, Sausage, Fruit, Juice & Choice Of Milk

2/25- Waffles


2/20- Chicken Bacon Ranch Sandwich, French Fries, California Blend , Pears & Choice of Milk

2/25-Corn Dogs, French Fries, Romaine Lettuce, Pears, Cookies  Choice of Milk


Menus are subject to change due to shortages in food supplies. Breakfast & Lunch options may change on short notice. We apologize, understand & share the same frustrations with our families & students. We will try to inform families as soon as we are able to & we appreciate your patience in working with us. Please be sure to check the breakfast/lunch menu on the schools website at for updates.


School Announcements:                                                     


This Week:


  • Sign ups for high school Iowa VB team camp are going on right now, I need a head count asap. Please get in contact with Mrs. Miller, if you plan on attending
  • Daycare is looking for someone reliable over 16 students or staff, who is interested in working 4 to 6 everyday. Please see Tara.
  • Please remind students if they are not eligible, that they can not leave for open campus lunch. Seniors also must be present for their Study hall until they are no longer ineligible.
  • Any Junior High boy that hasn't turned in their uniforms to Dinwiddie, needs to have them turned in by the end of the week. I HAVE the following: Cain, Cort, Cohen & Zane - Have Jersey, missing practice Jersey, Tucker, Wade, Lane - Have Jersey, missing practice Jersey, Keaton
  • Message to students from Mrs. Starr: There has been a lot of vandalism in the second floor boys restroom, including writing on the wall with Sharpie.  This will NOT be tolerated. The second floor boys restroom will be closed for the rest of the week. When we find out who you are, you will be serving ISS. Love, Mrs. Starr 
  • Band Students please come to your scheduled Band Lessons. If you are unsure of when your band lesson is, please see Mr. Sleeth for a new Lesson Schedule.
  • Appanoose County Little League Forms were sent home with Kindergarten- 6th grade boys. Form and Payment need returned by MARCH 2nd to school, dropped off at 236 W Maple st. Centerville, or mailed to PO BOX 324 Centerville, Ia 52544
  • If you'd like to participate in the spring play/musical this year, please sign up in the office!
  • Detention will now be served after school from 3:45-4:15 with the teacher that wrote the detention ALONG with serving over your lunch period with Mrs. Stonehouse.  If an associate writes a detention, it will be served with Kim Stonehouse. 3 skipped detentions will result in an in school suspension. 





  • There will be a boys Track meeting on Monday Feb  24th right after school in Dinwiddie's room. If you are interested in participating in Boys High SChool track please attend. 
  • Monday, Feb. 24 - BGC Speech Contest @Twin Cedars, leave the school at 7:50AM (pending eligibility - Laudia C, Brittney B,James S, Trevor C, Omar S?); will return before end of the school day
  • Feb 26 - 100th day! (If we don’t have any snow days between then and now)

Dress up days for 100th day:

Wednesday, 2/19: “Exercising Our Brains for 100 Days” – Wear sweats

Thursday, 2/20: “It’s Crazy That It Is Already the 100th Day” – Wear crazy socks

Monday, 2/24: “Hunting Down the 100th Day” - Wear camo/hunting clothes/orange

Tuesday, 2/25: “About to Score the 100th Day!” – Wear a sports jersey or t-shirt

Wednesday, 2/26: “100 Days Brighter!” – Wear brightly colored clothes OR dress up like you are 100

  • 8th grade parent meeting in the Cafeteria Wednesday Feb 26th at 7pm.
  • Saturday, Mar. 1 - District Speech Contest; departure time and location TBD
  • Amy Hoyt from Northwest Missouri State University will be visiting Miss. Beary's 5th hour class (11:27-12:15) on Monday, March 3rd.
  • Saturday, Mar. 15 - State Speech Contest; departure time and location TBD
  • Sophomores will be taking the ASVAB February 11th..
  • March 11 (Tue) - Bluegrass Conference Honor Band 
  • March 27 (Thu) @6:30PM - Pops Concert (6-12 Choir & 7-12 Band) (dress rehearsals in gym that morning, times TBD)
  • Prom April 11th
  • April 25 (FRIDAY) - HS Choir field trip to IHCC Ottumwa
  • May 5 (Mon) @6:30PM - Elem (1st-4th) Spring Concert (1st-4th dress rehearsal in gym 12:09-1PM)
  • May 20 (Tue) @6:30PM - 5-12 Band & Choir Spring Concert (dress rehearsals in gym that morning, times TBD)
  • Kindergarten Graduation May 22 at 9am



Other News:

  •  Worshipping Warriors will be every Thursday morning at 7:10am in Mrs. Banks’ room.  5th-12th graders are welcome to learn about the Bible! 
  • Esports practices will be every Monday and Wednesday after school.
  • Students when leaving or entering the school other than the start and end of school day, you must sign in/out on the sign out sheet. Whether you are leaving for college, running to get something from a vehicle, appointment, Senior study hall, lunch, or returning from any of those. Even if you are leaving and returning multiple times a day. Please write first and last name, times and Reason or Destination. While it may seem like a hassle this helps us keep track of our students for safety reasons. All parents and visitors should also be signing in and out.  Students be respectful of the sheet as well policy



  • Freshman Class Fundraiser:


  • Sophomore Class Fundraisers: 
  1. Warbucks - 
  2. 2. World's Famous Candy Bars $1 each : Caramel, Wafer, Crisp, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate and Almond.
  • Juniors Class Fundraisers:
  1. Popcans and Bottles: exchanging pop cans for money. Students and staff don’t throw those pop cans away.  Save them to help out the students. Tip: there is a place in the teacher lounge to put them.
  2. After Prom Fundraiser: Triple B’s Food Truck Sunday March 2nd 11-2pm in the Seymour School parking lot.







The purpose of the Seymour Community School District is to provide each student an opportunity to achieve his or her highest academic and social potential through access to high quality programs and facilities. The district provides students access to high quality instruction that supports the required “Common Core” Standards, 21st Century Skill acquisition and the enhanced application of technology.
It is the policy of the Seymour Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district's Equity Coordinator, Brad Breon, Superintendent, 100 S. Park, Seymour, Iowa 52590 at 641-898-2291 or at

The Seymour Community School offers career and technical programs in the following service areas: Agricultural, Food, and Natural Resources • Applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing • Arts, Communication, and Information Systems • Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management • Health Science